This is a family friendly blog where we chronicle the lives of the 6 KeiserKids. All photos and words are the property of us the Keiser Family. Please DO NOT copy or capture any without express written permission from the authors. Thanks.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Weekly photo challenge--perspective

   I picked this picture for the photo challenge because i thought the tire looked cool with the first snow of the year - Cody

I took this picture because Emmalece wanted 
"a picture of my table" - Cody
posted by Cody


  1. AWESOME! I love that you are playing along with us. You are a natural. I can't believe all that snow already.

  2. It was a lot of snow, but it all melted the next day :(
    Thank you for the comment zb I think these challenges are fun :)

  3. that snow is making me cold? We were 84 degrees today so maybe I'm secretly wishing to be cold.
